
Showing posts from 2022

Life Lately

 It's been more than a year since I have written on this blog. I admit I'm not good at sustaining things like this, except for work. Lately, I've been feeling a lot of feelings. Work consumes my entire day and many other personal things that exhaust me. Suddenly, I am thinking about the future (a couple of months ahead) and what would my life decisions be. 2022's last three months are proving to be a challenge both to my emotional and mental health. Work is by far the toughest I had been in because I was thrown into a pit without any idea what was going to happen, and now I am in survival mode. My relationship is nothing but a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Family, same as usual.  How do you even know whether your decision is what's best for you? I know one would agree that you wouldn't know unless you try, but I am afraid of trying/risking these hella big of a thing to just fate.  What if the decision to leave is something that I would regret for the rest of m...