8123 Tour MNL: A Night To Relive!

Last night was just awesome! I got to see one of my favorite bands from Arizona! Let's just say that it was just a short lived moment that actually made it into one of my most memorable nights ever. I got to see This Century live! Just hearing them sing made my heart skip a beat and I fell in love. I can't put into words the emotion I felt as soon as Joel went up the stage and sang Tiptoe as the opening song. He seemed so surreal! The crowd was so awesome, singing along to the lyrics to one of my favorite songs and he was just so into it. That it made me realize how awesome it is be able to see them live and made me think back on to why I liked them in the firs place. It wasn't because of the lead's looks or the drummer's awesome skill, but it was because of their music. It was the band's totality that made me a fan. Can't wait for their next concert and next time, I'll definitely wait up for their meet and greet! This Century - Rockin' SM Sky D...